System-On-Chip Design using FPGA
About the training:
Processors and FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays) are the hardworking cores of most embedded systems. Integrating the high-level management functionality of processors and the stringent, real-time operations, extreme data processing, or interface functions of an FPGA into a single device forms an even more powerful embedded computing platform. SoC FPGA devices integrate both processor and FPGA architectures into a single device. Consequently, they provide higher integration, lower power, smaller board size, and higher bandwidth communication between the processor and FPGA. They also include a rich set of peripherals, on-chip memory, an FPGA-style logic array, and high-speed transceivers.
You will learn:
- VIVADO design suite
- Zynq7000 processors
- AXI bus interface
- Interfacing peripherals with AXI bus
- RTOS and kernels
- Drivers
- Behavioral simulation models
- Including SW components into simulation
- Designing a system test bench
- Using ModelSim with Xilinx Projects
- System generator
- Performance estimation
- HIL simulations
- Timing constraints / Clocks, delays and jitter sources
- Manual static timing analysis
- Analyzing Xilinx timing reports
- Timing closure techniques
- FPGA JTAG chain
- Tracers
- Xilinx ChipScope
Become: An Array Erudite
Course duration: 5 days
Maximum number of participants: 15