Embedded Systems HW & SW
About the training:
This training is for motivated learners who have some background in computer engineering and software design and who want to break into the field of embedded systems design. Having the knowledge of both hardware and software is always an asset, becoming a complete solution provider. Learn how electronic gadgets are designed, developed, and built as embedded systems that shape the world. In this course, we take a bottom-up approach to problem solving, building gradually from simple interfacing of switches and LEDs to complex concepts like a microcontroller-based device. We will present both general principles and practical tips for building circuits and programming the microcontroller in the C programming language. You will develop debugging skills using oscilloscopes, logic analysers, and software instrumentation.
You will learn:
- What is an embedded system?
- Characteristics of the embedded systems
- Real Time
- Embedded system design challenges
- Embedded system architecture
Embedded hardware
- Diagrams and symbols
- Block diagram of an embedded system
- Memory: ROM, RAM, Hybrid
- Microcontroller (definition, functionality, internal blocks, architecture, I/O components, buses)
Embedded software
- Device Driver
- Embedded OS – kernel
- Unitasking and Multitasking
- Task management
- SDLC (SW development life cycle)
Become: An Embedded Wizard
Course duration: 5 days
Maximum number of participants: 15